Sunday, November 12, 2006
About Me
- Name: IdahoPhotoMan
- Location: Grace, Idaho, United States
Male,born 1956, Sun Valley, Idaho. I live in Southeast Idaho. I'm a retired Detective Lieutenant of the Caribou County Sheriff's Office in Soda Springs, Idaho. I have two wonderful children. I hope everyone viewing my web site will like and enjoy the photos. My pages are an ongoing work, so from time to time the photos or their arrangements may change. I am working on improving them all the time. Any questions or comments, please email me at: Thanks for viewing my web sites!
Previous Posts
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- Bob and Gail's homePlainfield, Illinois
- Portillo's Hot DogsPlainfield, Illinois
- Yours truly at the Navy Pier!
- Gary at end of Navy Pierwith downtownChicago, Il...
- Navy Pier Chicago, Illinois
- Flags flying at theNavy PierChicago, Illinois No...
- End of Navy Pierlooking at downtownChicago, Illi...
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